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Labour The Unseen Unheard Story


Labour: The Unseen, Unheard Story

Unpaid Domestic Labour: A Historical Perspective

For centuries, women have performed unpaid domestic labour, primarily in the form of homemaking. This labour, which includes cooking, cleaning, childcare, and other household tasks, has gone largely unrecognized and undervalued.

Labour's Impact on Women

Unpaid domestic labour places a significant burden on women, limiting their opportunities for education, employment, and personal growth. It also contributes to gender inequality, as women are expected to perform the majority of this labour while also juggling other responsibilities.

The Unseen Labour

The impact of unpaid domestic labour extends beyond the individual. It also affects the economy and society as a whole. By undervaluing this labour, we perpetuate the idea that it is not important and that women's contributions to society are not fully appreciated.


It is time to recognize the immense value of unpaid domestic labour and to take steps to ensure that women are not overburdened by these tasks. By valuing this labour, we can empower women, promote gender equality, and create a more just and equitable society.

